We preach to men as if they were conscious of being dying sinners, but they are not. They are having a good time, and all our talk about the need to be born again is from a domain they know nothing about; because some men try to drown unhappiness in worldly pleasures it does not follow all are like that. There is nothing attractive about the Gospel to the natural man; the only man who finds the Gospel attractive is the man who is convicted of sin.

Apart from a knowledge of Jesus Christ, and apart from being crumpled up by conviction of sin, men have a disposition which keeps them perfectly happy and peaceful. Conviction of sin is produced by the incoming of the Holy Spirit because conscience is promptly made to look at God’s demands.

Reflection Questions: What message of peace do I have for those who don’t know they are alienated from God? Why is the gospel not attractive to those who love life the way it is? How does God’s goodness keep me from realizing my need for Him?

GOSPEL GOSPEL Reviewed by Cscf on July 16, 2016 Rating: 5

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